Segmentation & visibility

Tags vs Groups


User tags are used to assign content to users, whereas Display tags are used to place content within a layout. These, along with Groups and Teams, have unique functions, as shown below.

Document image

Here's a summary of the diagram:



User tags

User tags are assigned to individual users and then content.

What content can a user see?

Display tags

Display tags are assigned to sections in the layout and then content.

What content does a user see, and where?


Users are assigned to Groups/Teams, and each Group may have its own layout.*

What layout does a user see?

*Learn more at Multiple layouts.

Using Groups, including Teams, allows you to assign content to multiple users at once and control what layout a user sees.

How do I use Display tags?

When you enable Include content in a section, you'll be able to create or select Display tags. See Place Content, Features, & Menus.