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Explore the dashboard


The dashboard is the interface administrators access to manage user registration, create Challenges, set up events, manage workflows, and more. It provides the tools for you to implement the features of Refresh.

For employees who need access to the dashboard, they must be added as a user, and have the appropriate administrator role assigned to their profile.

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Access the dashboard through a web browser via your organization's Refresh address:

  • Unless you have a custom domain, your Refresh web address is in the following format:

How can I maximize dashboard performance?

For optimal performance, it's recommended you use a desktop or laptop computer.


Use the Log in button on your organization's Refresh web address.

To log in:

  1. On your organization's Refresh web page, click Log in.
  2. Enter your Username (your email address) and Password.
  3. In the top right corner of the homescreen, click the Dashboard button. Only those who have administrative privileges will see it.

Navigation menu

Up to nine navigation menu options are available. Your access to these depend on the features implemented in your initial setup.

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  • Analytics: Check app sign ups and participation in classes and events.
  • Posts: Create Focus Content, News & Notices, and Media Collections.
  • Calendars: Schedule events in the Calendar feature.
  • Forms: Set up forms, flows, packages, and delivery.
  • Engagement: Manage Challenges, Sequences, Rewards, and Points.
  • Community: Set up and moderate Raves (recognition)
  • Expenses: Set up expense claims.
  • Marketplaces: Build Marketplaces containing vendors and offers.
  • Messages: Compose and send messages, or use open chat.
  • Admin: Manage your user list, tags, and Groups/Teams, and edit the layout

App view icons

In the top-right corner of the dashboard, use the icons to view how the app looks in the mobile (app or web) or desktop (web) view.

You can test content directly in the app and then check the results. Some features (like step tracking and geolocation) aren't able to be viewed, but still work in the native app.

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  • Mobile icon: When selected, the mobile view of the app appears in the left pane.
  • Desktop icon: When selected the desktop (web) view of the app opens in the layout editor.
  • Arrow icon: This takes you to the full desktop (web) version of the app.

List view

When you select a menu option, such as Focus Content, a page displays your items in a table format, summarizing their details.

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In the top left corner, you'll find these options:

  • Show inherited: Check this to access read-only content created above your admin level. With homescreen (editable) permissions, you can integrate this content into your Group or Team's layout.
  • Filter by availability: Check this to choose a Group (or Team) in the dropdown, and view only items visible to that Group (or Team).

In the top right corner, you'll see these options:

  • Tags: Select a User tag from the dropdown to view all items with that tag.
  • Gear icon: Hide columns from view.
  • CSV: Export the list as a CSV file to your computer.