User & Group Management
Manage Groups & User tags

Create & assign User tags


Who can do this:

  • Anyone with the Tags (editable) and Users (editable) permission

Your organization may be using Groups and Teams, User tags, or a combination of both.

User tags are often used to assign content to a custom selection of users, outside of your existing Groups and Teams.

Follow the steps below to create a tag and then assign it to users and content.

Create a User tag

Create one or more User tags.

To create a User tag:

1. Go to Admin ➤ Tags. By default, the Users tab is selected.

  • On the page below, a list of your User tags, if any, is displayed.

2. Click Add.

3. In the dialog, enter the tag name and click Save.

The new tag appears in the User tag list.

Assign users

Once you've created a User tag, you can assign it to one or more users. A user can have multiple tags.

Assign multiple users

Assign a User tag to multiple users at once.

How can you prevent users from inheriting assignments from others?

When assigning a tag to multiple users at once, users will inherit the existing Groups, Teams, and User tags of other users. Avoid this by assigning tags to users individually.

To assign a User tag to multiple users:

  1. Go to AdminUsers and in the user list, tick each user.
  2. At the top of the list, click Re-assign.
  3. In the Re-assign items window, select the User tag you want.
  4. If you're sure, click Re-assign.

What if I select both User tags and Groups?

User tags serve as an alternative to Groups rather than as a filter within a Group. Learn more about the differences at User segmentation.

Assign single users

Assign a User tag to one user at a time. This allows you to retain users' existing Groups, Teams, and User tags.

To assign a User tag to a single user:

  1. In the user list, select the user to open the user's profile.
  2. In the User tags section, select the tag(s).
  3. Click Save.
Document image

Select availability

Make one or more content items available to users.

To assign content to users:

  • In your item list, select the content.
  • In the item, under Availability, select the User tag you want.
  • Click Save.

Users with the same User tag as the content will see the content.