User & Group Management
Manage Groups & Tags

Add User tags


Who can do this:

  • Anyone with the Tags (editable) and Users (editable) permission

Your organization may be using a hierarchy, tags, or a combination of both. Tags are often used to assign content to a custom selection of users, outside of your existing Groups and Teams.

What if we integrated with SSO?

If your app was originally integrated with your company's Active Directory (e.g., Azure) and users were mapped to tags during setup, any tags added later will not automatically sync with your directory. You'll need to manually assign these tags to users.

To add a User tag:

1. Go to Admin ➤ Tags ➤ Users.

2. Click Add.

  • The User tag window opens.
User tag dialog
User tag dialog

3. Fill in the details:

  • Title: This is how the tag will appear across the dashboard, such as in the Availability sections, or if adding user self-tagging as a form field.
  • ID name: This is auto-filled for you. If you plan to have users select their own tags through a form, indicate the tag category by adding a prefix followed by an underscore (e.g., Location_Boston).
  • Icon: (Optional) This could represent the category of tag.
  • Admin availability: Specify the hierarchy that will have access to this tag (with the relevant permissions), whether it’s top-level admins, or specific Groups or Teams.

4. Click Save.

The new tag now appears in your User tag list and is available to use across the dashboard.

Do I have to create tag categories?

No, but if you want users to update or add their own tags, categories are required. Tags are automatically added to the form based on the category you select in the User self-tagging field.