Set a color scheme
Who can do this:
- Anyone with editing permission for Structure
Set or change the logo, icon, and color scheme of the app, whether for your entire organization or for a specific Group.
How do I set specific colors?
You can customize the headers, background, and text colors to match your exact preferences. See creating sections and editing menus.
To set the design or revise the current one:
1. Go to Admin ➤ Structure & Settings.
2. In the Groups dropdown, select one. You may have another label for Groups.

- If you want to select a Team, first select the Group it belongs to, and in the adjacent dropdown, select the Team.
3. Under Design, update the logo and color scheme, as desired, and then save.

Why can't I change the colors & branding for my own Group?
If you're not an admin at the organization level, you'll need to be assigned an admin within the Group or Team and given the Structure (editable) permission. See Manage Admins & Roles.