Add & manage Posts

Manage media library


Who can do this:

  • Anyone with the editing permission for Media Item

The media library consists of all the images, videos, PDFs, and audio recordings you've uploaded from your computer, and is available to use in Media Collections you create.

Open media library

Open your item library to view, add, remove, and edit your media items.

To open your library:

  1. Go to PostsMedia.
  2. Next to Add, click Manage item library.
    • A list of your items is displayed.

Add a media item

Add a new media item to make it available to use in a media collection.

To add a new media item:

1. Open your media library and click Add.

  • A New item window opens.
Document image

3. Select the Content type in the dropdown. These do not have a size limit:

  • Image
  • Video
  • PDF
  • Audio

4. Click Upload and select the file from your computer.

5. Enter an Item title and optional Description.

6. Click Save.

Remove a media item

Permanently remove one or more media items from your library.

To remove a media item:

  1. Open your Media item library, and tick item(s) you want to remove.
  2. At the top, click Remove.
    • A dialog appears asking if you're sure you want to delete the item.
  3. If you're sure, click Delete.