Tech setup

Set up SSO (Azure)


Who can do this:

  • Anyone with editing permissions for Structure and Login/Signup SSO

Below are the steps for your IT administrator to configure Azure AD/Entra ID, to facilitate:

  • Single-Sign On via SAML 2, so users can log into the app with their company email
  • User synchronization, via Microsoft Graph API, so Refresh accounts are automatically disabled when employees are terminated

Before you begin:

Start a notes file or another document to paste information to share with us. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the Refresh team.


Register your app

  1. Go to
  2. Click Microsoft Entra ID.
  3. In the left column, click App registrations.
  4. At the top, select New registration.
  5. In the Name field, enter Refresh.
  6. Select the following:
    • Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Microsoft Entra ID tenant - Multitenant) and personal Microsoft accounts (e.g., Skype, Xbox)
  7. Click Register.

Obtain key info

  1. Under Essentials, copy the following IDs into your notes:
    • Application (client) ID
    • Directory (tenant) ID
  2. At the top, select Endpoints.
  3. Copy the following into your notes:
    • SAML-P sign-on endpoint
    • SAML-P sign-out endpoint
  4. Close the Endpoints panel.

Configure web platform

  1. In the left column, select Authentication.
  2. Under Platform configurations, click Add a platform.
  3. Select Web.
  4. In Redirect URIs, enter:
    • https://[OrganizationName]
  5. For Front-channel logout, enter:
    • https://[OrganizationName]
  6. Click Configure. You’ll now have a web configuration under Platform configurations.
  7. Use Add URI in the Web box to add two more Redirect URIs. These allow for sandbox testing:
    • https://[OrganizationName]

Enable access tokens

  1. Under Implicit grant and hybrid flows, select Access tokens (used for implicit flows).
  2. At the bottom, click Save.

Upload certificate

You should have received the certificate from us via email, which you can save to your computer.

  1. In the left column, select Certificates & secrets.
  2. Select the Certificates tab, if not already selected.
  3. Click Upload certificate.
  4. Select the certificate from your files.
  5. Click Add.

Create new client secret

  1. Click New client secret.
    • In the Description field, enter Refresh Platform.
    • In the Expires dropdown, select 730 Days (24 months).
  2. Copy the following into your notes:
    • Client secret value (from the newly created secret)

Configure token info

  1. In the left column, click Token configuration.
  2. Click Add optional claim.
  3. For Token type, choose ID.
  4. Select the following claims:
    • Acct
    • Email
    • Family_name
    • Given_name
    • Preferred_username
  5. Click Add.

Add groups claim

  1. Click Add groups claim.
  2. Select the following:
    • Security groups
    • Directory roles
    • All groups (includes distribution lists but not groups assigned to the application)
    • Groups assigned to the application
  3. Click Add.

Add permissions

  1. In the left column, select API permissions.
  2. Click Add permission.
  3. Select Microsoft graph, and then Application permissions.
  4. Select these permissions in the following categories:
    • a. User
      • i. User.Read.All
  5. Click Add permissions.

Share notes

Once you've completed the steps above, please email your notes file to [email protected].