Re-send a message
Who can do this:
- Anyone with editing permission for Messages
- Additional viewing permissions are needed for any app content tied to the message (e.g. Focus Content, News & Notices)
Occasionally, you may want to re-send the same or modified message to all of the original users.
How do I re-send a message to those who haven't opened the message?
Yes, you can send a message to only users who haven't opened a message when you view the open rate.
To re-send a message:
1. Go to Messages ➤ Sent.
2. In the Re-send column of the message you want, select the arrow.
- The Compose page opens, with the original message loaded and recipients already selected.
3. If you want, you can edit your message, and the link, if one was included.
4. (Optional) Tick Send in the future and select a time and date.
Can I view or edit scheduled messages?
Yes! To view your scheduled messages, go to Messages ➤ Scheduled. To edit a message, simply click the pen icon in the far-right column.
5. Click Send message.
- The Send button indicates All or the name of the Group or Team.
- If you've selected tagged or individual users, the number of users appears on the Send button, and their names are displayed below.
6. In the dialog, if you're sure, click Send.
- Your message is sent e or at the future date and time you selected.