User & Group Management
Manage Groups & User tags

Change Group settings


Who can do this:

  • Anyone with the Structure (editable) permission

Each Group or Team, along with your organization, has its own settings, which can be edited. These include:

  • Basic: Group or Team name
  • Design: Layout, logos, icon, and color scheme
  • Other: Population and join code

Why can't I access these settings?

You may not have access to these settings because you're not an administrator for the organization, or for the Group or Team whose settings you want to change. For more information, see Admin access overview.

To change a Group's settings:

1. Go to AdminStructure & Settings.

2. In the Groups dropdown, select the Group you want.

  • If you want to select a Team, first select the Group it belongs to, and in the adjacent dropdown, select the Team.
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How can I find sub-groups within the selected Group?

If sub-groups exist in the Group you've selected, these appear in the Teams dropdown to right. Your organization may have another name instead of Teams.

3. The settings appear on the page below.

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