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Build a layout

Add & manage Sets


Who can do this:

  • Anyone with editing permission for the Homescreen and HS sections

If you want to tailor a Section for specific users, based on their assignment, whether Group, Team or Tag, add Sets.

Each Set can have a unique version of the Section, so users see what's relevant to them, based on their specific assignment.

When should I use Sets?

If most of your content will remain the same and only one part of your design will change, you can use Sets by assignment, within a larger layout that stays consistent.

However, if you're looking to offer a completely different experience, create a new layout at the Group or Team level. See Multiple layouts to learn more. This also gives Group and Team admins the option to edit their respective layouts.

Add Sets

Add one or more Sets, whether by Group, Team, or Tag.

1. Open the Section settings and toggle on Section varies by assignment.

2. Choose a user assignment type, whether Group, Team, or Tag.

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3. Keep Default selected and choose the section settings you want.

What does Default mean?

The Default is what users see if they don't belong to a Set. It is the baseline for the Section. In a Group layout, it's what everyone in the Group sees, unless they belong to a Set you create.

4. In the Add set dropdown, choose the Group, Team or Tag you want.

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5. Select the settings you want for the Section.

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5, above, for each new Set.

7. Click Save and proceed to the steps below.

Should you add Sets for every Group, Team, or Tag? You should only add Sets for a Group, Team, or Tag when their Section needs a different design from the Default.

Design a Set

Once you've added Sets, you can start designing their respective Sections.

To design a Set:

1. Open the layout editor and locate the Section.

  • In the lower part, you'll see a tab for each Set you created, in addition to the Default.
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2. Select a tab.

  • The Set loads.

3. Place Content, Features, & Menus as you would for other sections.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 above until you have completed the design for each set.

How do I preview the app as another user?

You can either enter the user's name in the View window of the layout editor, making sure to first clear any overrides, or log in as a user. For more details, see Preview content as another user.

View & manage Sets in the layout

You’ll see an override count displayed at the bottom of the layout editor whenever you’ve selected one or more Sets.

To see the baseline layout without any set-specific variations you'll need to clear the overrides.

To do this:

  • Below the layout, next to the override count, click the x.
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This resets the layout.