Add a Reward
Who can do this:
- Anyone with the Rewards (editable) and Challenges (visible) permissions
Increase engagement by setting up a Reward that users receive by redeeming points for completing a Challenge (completion), or receiving a recognition (Rave).
What do I need to do before adding a Reward?
Before adding a Reward for completions or receiving Raves, you need to have created a Challenge or Rave. See Create a Challenge.
Add a new Reward or edit an existing one.
To open the Rewards Setup:
- Go to Engagement ➤ Rewards ➤ Rewards Setup.
A list of any Rewards you've created are displayed.
To add a Reward:
1. Open the Rewards setup and click Add.
- A New Reward window opens
2. Select the Reward type:
- Self-run (manual): Offer a Reward that you procure and give directly. Enter a name, description (optional), and upload an image.
- Gift card (auto-fulfilled): Offer a gift card users receive via Refresh, which is billed to you later. In the dropdown, choose the type, and enter the dollar amount.
On the right, the preview shows how it will appear in the Rewards section of the app.

3. Select how users receive the Reward:
- Points redemption: Let users redeem points they've collected for a Reward. Enter the umber of points you want them to redeem to get the Reward.
- Triggered Reward: Give the Reward automatically upon one of the following triggers:
- Completing a Challenge: Give the Reward to all users who complete a Challenge. Select the specific challenge.
- Receiving a Rave: Give the Reward to users who receive a Rave.
How do users earn points they can redeem?
You can allow users to earn points in the Rave or Challenge setup.
4. Choose notification details:
- Public notification in newsfeed: The recipient's name and Reward will be published in the newsfeed.
- Notify by email when this is redeemed: Select this to be notified for each redemption and enter the email address.
5. Select the Scheduling and Availability.
How do I ensure the Reward is visible to the correct people?
If you're giving a Reward for a specific Challenge or Rave, check that you have selected the same availability as those you selected in the Challenge or Rave.
6. Click Save and close.
Below are examples of Rewards you might give, and the options to select when completing the Reward setup.
What do you want to give? | Reward Type | How will people get this award? | Trigger Type |
A gift card, billed to you later, for points they redeem | Gift card (auto-fulfilled) | Points redemption | Not applicable |
Your own gift, you give directly, for completing a specific challenge | Self-run | Triggered Reward | Completing a Challenge |
Your own gift, you give directly, when they receive a Rave | Self-run | Triggered Reward | Receiving a Rave |
Your own gift, you give directly, for points they redeem | Self-run | Points Redemption | Not applicable |
A gift card, billed to you later, for completing a specific Challenge | Gift card (auto-fulfilled) | Triggered Reward | Completing a Challenge |